
DELoS inherited the tradition of the PhD programs offered over the past years by the University of Florence in the fields of Development Economics and Local Development.

The Alumni graduated at the University of Florence in the fields of Development Economics and Local Development are the following:

PhD Cycle Thesis Supervisor Current Affiliation Contacts/Personale webpage
Paola Beccherle 36th Exploring the relationship between reputation, museums, cities and digital technologies Donato Romano Postdoc, DISEI University of Florence 
Elisabetta Calabresi 36th Unraveling the Socioeconomic Determinants of Violence against Women: Empirical
Insights from the Individual to the Societal Level
Gianna Claudia Giannelli Universitat de Barcelona
Agnese Loy 36th Navigating Adversity: Unravelling the Gendered Effects of Climate Shocks and Migration Donato Romano
Niccolò Parissi 35th Three essays on climate change, agriculture and adaptation
PhD Cycle Thesis Supervisor Current Affiliation Contacts/Personale webpage
Simona Ciappei 35th Firms and Territories in 4.0 Transformations: Evidence from Italian Technological Knowledge Intensive Business Services Marco Bellandi, University of Florence Postdoc, Politecnico di Milano
Marco Lomuscio 35th Going collective: Italian worker takeovers Ermanno Celeste Tortia, University of Trento Researcher, Euricse
Giulia Malevolti 35th Why do the poor stay poor? three essays on asset dynamics and poverty traps Donato Romano, University of Florence Postdoc Researcher, PIK
Margherita Squarcina 35th  Three essays on the Covid-19 crisis on household food security. Evidence from Ethiopia, Uganda, and Mozambique Donato Romano, University of Florence Postdoc, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Sveva Vitellozzi 35th The visible and invisible dimensions of gender inequality in the Global South. Three essays on time use, mental load, and depression Gianna Claudia Giannelli, University of Florence Postdoc, University of Bologna

Marco Aguilera 34th Three essays on the role of public policies in firm performance. Fabio Pieri, University of Trento
Marta Parigi 34th Food Security and Social Cohesion among communities affected by violence and forced displacement in the Eastern Mediterranean. Donato Romano, University of Florence
Alessandro Passaro 34th Sustainability transformation of agri-food systems: spaces of governance and coordination for territorial scaling. An empirical analysis in Italy. Filippo Randelli, University of Florence
Elena Perra 34th Empirical Essays on Infrastructural Investment in Ethiopia and the Use of Satellite Data in Economic Analysis Giorgia Giovannetti, University of Florence
Arianna Vivoli 34th Trade shocks and economic development Three essays on the effects of international trade shocks on labour market outcomes and firm performances Giorgia Giovannetti, University of Florence
Clementina Crocè 33th Essays on Migration and Gender Gabriella Berloffa, University of Trento
Matteo Devigili 33th Proximity and Innovation: Analyzing the path through topic modeling and business model design  Tommaso Pucci, University of Siena
Letizia Donati 33th Novel trajectories of universities engagement: from local economic development to social innovation practices Marco Bellandi, University of Florence
Martina Nannelli 33th Competitiveness and Sustainability in the Sharing Economy Era. Opportunities and challenges from the Tourism and Hospitality Accommodation Industry Mariangela Franch and Maria Della Lucia, University of Trento
Maria Nannini 33th Accessibility to Health Care and Financial Obstacles: Evidence from Uganda Mario Biggeri, University of Florence
Giulio Vannelli 33th Economic development in a globalized world: the role of global value chains - Three essays on implications and opportunities for North Africa Giorgia Giovannetti, University of Florence and Gianluca Santoni, CEPII, Paris, France

Previous years

2020-2018  2017-2015   2014-2012   2011-2009   2008-2006   2005-2003   2002-1997

Last update



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